Welcome to Dirty Gourmet! This is the endeavor of three girls that have been lucky enough to spend most of the last 4 months camping, cooking, and creating this blog. After several camping trips, we have already developed a strong team with a surprisingly high level of productivity for a group of silly girls. We now finish each others’ sentences and even accidentally purchased identical gifts for each other this Christmas.
For the ringing in of the New Year, we have invited our friends beach camping to celebrate the launch of this site and to show off a few of our favorite creations. Here’s the full menu:
- Roasted Cream Cheese Stuffed Peppers
- Kale and Black Eyed Pea Salad
- Citrus Spiced Mulled Wine
- Sweet Potato Corn Chowder
- Smöres-gåsbord (the ultimate smores buffet)
We are unveiling only one recipe at a time. In the coming days, we will be posting the other recipes, and should have some fun photos and stories to share from the party.
It is time for those New Year’s resolutions, and one should definitely be eating great food no matter where you may find yourself (hopefully somewhere exotic and inspiring)! Our goal is to be a resource for you along the way.
Our first recipe is a fun appetizer version of stuffed peppers. They are the epitome of what Dirty Gourmet is about, throwing dainty fresh finger foods directly into the campfire. This is a recipe that is versatile enough for almost any setting. It can be made with very few ingredients and requires only a pocketknife as a utensil. The use of the campfire for roasting peppers brings out an otherwise unobtainable smokiness that will surely satisfy the need for munching during the always-too-long wait for dinner.

Roasted Cream Cheese Stuffed Peppers
4 servingsPrep Time / Cook Time
/Activity Guide
Car CampingIngredients
- 16 mini bell peppers
- 8 ounces cream cheese
- 1 tablespoon fresh herbs, such as basil, sage, or thyme
- 3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 teaspoon pepper
- Campfire or grill
- Foil
- Knife
- Plastic bag
- Cut a slit lengthwise in each pepper down 1 side.
- Combine cream cheese and herbs in a zip-top plastic bag. Cut off 1 corner of the bag. Pipe cheese mixture into each pepper to fill with as much of the cream cheese mixture as will fit. Alternatively, you can combine the cheese and herbs in a bowl and stuff the peppers with your fingers or a small spoon. Press the slit edges together.
- Center the filled peppers on top of a piece of foil, drizzle with a bit of olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Fold over the foil to create a packet, making sure to seal the seams tightly.
- Place the foil packet on a grate over the fire or directly on the embers. Watch them closely, making sure to rotate the packets often. Roast the peppers until they’re lightly browned and the cheese is hot.
Congrats on the launch! Looks great. I’m going to try this recipe tonight. Camping and bouldering in bishop area. Dirty gourmet rules!
Great looking site, ladies! I love the tree and the birds. More recipes and pretty pictures please.
Cool site, photos are gorgeous! I’ll be checking in often May Yan!! Wendy xx
Thank you for all the support and compliments. We are excited to share more recipe with you all. If you have any recipes you would like to suggest, let us know!
What a splendid idea! I will defiantly be checking this out before any camping trips 🙂
Roasted Cream Cheese Stuffed Peppers looks so good…yum…
Tony, I remember asking you and Emily about the recipe to these jalapeno poppers back in the CHT days. I remember those stuff peppers to be wrapped with delicious pig. I made them for some friends and they loved it. Glad to see you are now sharing this to the rest of the world!
Hungarian Hot: with cream cheese, Mozerella, some provolone, bread crumbs, basil & parsely, some garlic, salt and pepper, olive oil,, How long to bake at what temp?
Can this be done in the oven? Any suggestions on how to make this work?
Kerry, you can definitely make these in the oven. Instead of wrapping them in foil, just put them on a baking sheet and into an oven at 375 degrees F. Bake them until the peppers are soft and the cheese starts to ooze out.
I made these last month when I went camping with 3 other people and they were a big hit. I took a shortcut, though, and used onion/chive flavored cream cheese.
Plastic gloves, please, when preparing food.
@tahitiblossom, this is a CAMPING cooking website. Who brings plastic gloves camping?
Tahiti, you’re crazy. Make sure the food hits 165F and you’re fine. A couple biology courses would go a long way for you.
You may want to mention to take the seeds out of the peppers to those that may not be expert cooks.
I bought a bag of the cute colorful peppers and they had a similar recipe, but I wasn’t sure which direction to cut to open them up. Thanks for the pic. I will make a test batch today & plan to take them to Book Club on Monday,
As a long time outdoors guy & science teacher, make breakfast in a bag. Used it on trips & as a science demo.
Ingredients:2 strips of bacon, 1 egg, brown paper bag.
Protocol: place bacon in form of an X in bottom of brown bag; crack egg & place on bacon strips; blouse bag then twist it closed. Place on grille grate over embers. Takes about 5 minutes to cook.
Hints/Suggestions: Tie one end of a string on closed bag top, the other to a stick to form a “fishing pole”. Hold bag over coals.
Taught various classes on combustion using this activity. Have also used it with students @ camps. Try it, quite fun.
Question: why doesn’t bag burst into flames?
love this .. buy these little peppers all the time and now I know for sure we can enjoy them on our annual camping trip! thank you Dirty Gourmet 🙂
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I love this (and the website). Just added it to the menu for our upcoming trip (mini sweet peppers for me and the little one, jalapenos for Daddy :-). We’re a young family that”s just started car camping in Canada and we love it but I am a good home cook and frustrated by the notion that just because we’re camping, we have to eat/ snack on things like trail mix (which I personally don’t like too much). This will be fun, delicious and a great snack. I’ll try it at home before we head out.
@Rachel, We’re on the same page about camping food for sure. Let us know if you come up with any genius recipes we need to try while you’re out there. We always love hearing adaptations and ideas!