Campfire Strawberry Shortcake


8 servings

Prep Time / Cook Time


Activity Guide

Car Camping


  • 1 can biscuit dough
  • 1 cup strawberries
  • 1/2 cup cream cheese, softened
  • 1/2 cup honey


  • Foil
  • Pie iron
  • Knife for spreading


  1. Line the Pie Iron with foil on both sides. If you don’t have a Pie Iron, you can create this by just making foil packets, and probably even make a whole batch in a dutch oven.
  2. Cut the biscuit in half, and spread 1 tablespoon of cream cheese on one half. Drizzle 1 tablespoon of honey over the cream cheese. Cover one side of the biscuit with sliced strawberries.
  3. Squeeze both sides of the biscuit together and press edges together, creating a strawberry-cream cheese-filled pocket. Place in pie iron
  4. Place pie iron or foil packet in the embers of a campfire. Let cook for approximately 2 minutes, then flip. Check for doneness after 2 minutes on each side. Keep cooking for 2 minutes more if necessary. *Note: Your first shortcake will cook slower than the rest, unless you preheat the Pie Iron.