As usual, I’m super into thinking about goals this year. Goals are fun! I’ve been pretty successful at sticking with them throughout the years, so I still don’t subscribe to the hater attitude that so many people have about “New Year’s Resolutions.” The key to my success is my obsession with pen and paper. I love my yearly Moleskine Daily Planner and I fill out a page of goals in it each year. Last year, I became the keeper of everyone’s goals, and I’m willing to do it again this year.
Last year’s Dirty Gourmet successes:
- Hiked Mt. Baldy, which turned into attempting the 8K Challenge
- Got a mountain bike, which turned into a mountain bike race
- Took the babies on their first camping trip and to the beach
- Ran the Wild West 10 Mile Trail Run, where 2 out of 3 of us medalled in their categories
This Year’s Plans:
- Get married!!
- Have a new baby niece!!
- Climb 100 Routes
- Grow an awesome garden
- FOCUS more
I think I’ve finally realized that I’m not the type of person who can feel her way through a situation. If I want to be successful, I need to FOCUS. I need to stop, think, and act carefully. My brain works pretty well- I should use it! This is true when dealing with anything from directions to cooking to managing relationships. Some people are great at feeling their way through and being unprepared. I’ve spent a lot of time approaching situations with the idea that I actually am good at that. But I’m not. I wish I was, but I guess its finally time to admit that to myself.
We spent our New Year’s at Joshua Tree National Park again. It was a perfect trip. Lots of climbing, perfect weather. We got a good jump on the 100 routes, and I practiced focusing during climbing. We made these cheesy chicken potatoes over the campfire. They were simple, delicious, and healthy, just as a New Year’s meal should be.
Good luck with your resolutions, if you have any! If you don’t, good luck at being overall successful this year anyway.

Cheesy Chicken Potatoes
4 servingsPrep Time / Cook Time
/Activity Guide
Bike Touring, Car CampingIngredients
- 4 baking potatoes
- 4 tablespoons olive oil
- 1 onion, roughly chopped
- 1 anaheim chile, roughly chopped
- 1 breast of chicken, sliced into strips
- 2 cups spinach
- 1 cup cheese, grated
- salt and pepper, to taste
- 1/4 cup sour cream
- Cutting board
- Foil
- Knife
- Long tongs
- Campfire with grate
At home:
- Pre-bake potatoes in the oven until tender. Cool and slice in half.
At camp:
- Build a good bed of coals under the grate on your campfire. Cover the grate with aluminum foil.
- Wrap the potatoes in foil and place inside the fire to reheat.
- Coat the foil covered grate in olive oil. Then add the chopped onions, chile, and chicken strips. Grill until chicken is cooked through.
- Add spinach to the chicken mixture and cook just until starting to wilt. Top with cheese. Tent another piece of aluminum foil to melt it. Remove from heat.
- Remove potatoes from heat. Add the chicken mixture to the top of your sliced potatoes. Dollop with sour cream, and serve.