I recently purchased a dehydrator, and have been getting more daring in my recipes. Most people I’ve spoken to mainly use their dehydrators for camping recipes like jerky and dried fruits and vegetables. I’ve been more into making powdered things so far. Sauces are nice to have in the freezer, ready to get tossed with pasta or rice for your next camping trip. But what I’ve been most impressed with it for so far is making powdered eggs.
Eggs can be tricky both car camping and backpacking. They are perishable and fragile. However, they offer so much versatility to camping recipes that they are often worth the effort. They are an excellent source of protein for either a quick or a lavish camping breakfast, and can also be used to bind dishes like baked pastas, or coat things like french toast (recipe coming shortly).
Here are some tips for dealing with them in both contexts:
- REI sells egg holders for carrying whole eggs, but they don’t hold very large ones. I like to use them for holding hard-boiled eggs.
- Another great way to transport eggs is to crack them together into a jar. You can squash the jar into a cooler this way without worrying about breaking them, and just shake the jar when you’re ready to scramble them.
- Backpacking is obviously the most difficult scenario to bring eggs into, unless they are dehydrated. You can buy them dehydrated, or try making your own.
I did a lot of research before attempting my own powdered eggs, and none of it sounded good. Some people dehydrate eggs after already cooking them, and some try raw. Many people have difficulty grinding the eggs into a powder. They complained that the rehydrated texture was grainy, or that the egg clumped up in the food processor from not drying completely or evenly. I had issues with getting the amount of water correct upon rehydration, and they turned out too thick the first time. But since then, I’ve gotten them right. And they are impressive.
I’m including my method for making your own dehydrated powdered eggs here. The recipe I made with the powdered eggs on my last trip is pictured here. I just rehydrated hash browns, eggs, and dehydrated cheese, and scrambled them together in some oil.
Please let us know if you have any of your own great methods for dealing with eggs while camping.

Dehydrated Powdered Eggs
5 eggsPrep Time / Cook Time
/Activity Guide
- 5 eggs
- Food processor or blender
- Medium bowl
- Whisk
- Dehydrator fitted with fruit leather tray insert
- Zip top baggie
- Freezer
- Crack eggs into a bowl. 5 eggs is the amount that fits best onto 1 of my dehydrator trays. Customize to your dehydrator and egg needs, splitting across multiple trays if necessary.
- Whisk the eggs very well, until fully blended and a little foamy.
- Pour the eggs carefully into the fruit leather tray of the dehydrator, ensuring that the dehydrator is placed on a level surface.
- Dehydrate eggs for 8-10 hours at 140 degrees, until fully dried and flaky. *The egg flakes are oily, and should easily scrape away without sticking to the tray when fully dry. If they are still sticky, leave the sticky portion in for more time.
- Transfer dried egg flakes to a zip top baggie and place in freezer for 30 minutes to 1 hour.
- Remove eggs from freezer and blend in food processor or blender until completely powdered. If they stick to the sides, they are not dry enough. Put back into the dehydrator for more time.
- Store in zip top baggie in freezer until your camping trip.
To Rehydrate
- Add 1 tablespoon + 1 teaspoon of cold water per egg directly into zip top baggie, so that you can dispose of it later without worrying about raw eggs contaminating your cookware.
- Let sit for about 5 minutes, or until the egg mixture looks like it did before you dehydrated it. When in doubt, add a little more water than you think.
- Use as you normally would in your favorite camping recipes.
I don’t have a dehydrator, but am close to buying one (thanks to your posts!) The way I handle eggs is to scramble them at home with a little milk and Velveeta shreds and a couple pieces of chopped ham. Then I vacuum seal them with my Food Saver, then freeze it and boil the bag for breakfast. Makes a great “skillet scramble.” This works well for car camping (because there’s usually a cooler to keep them cold), and even backpacking, but they should be eaten the first morning when they’re still slightly frozen.
Heather, this is an excellent suggestion. Thanks so much for sharing!
Heather, I love this idea! To cook the frozen eggs, do you just plop the ‘slightly frozen’ block into a pan to cook? Or do you thaw it in the bag by boiling, then cook? Sorry if this is a silly question… Would be using a tiny camp stove/cup so trying to think out how I could use this method 🙂 Thanks for sharing!
What if I backpack several days ? I guess they won’t keep out of the freezer ?
Do a search for Backpacking Chef Glen. Its all about dehydrator recipes. I did his eggs by mixing with some polenta to help them rehydrate. Used these eggs in several recipes over a week long backpack and they worked great!
@Jon, that’s an interesting tip. I’ll have to try that. We have seen Chef Glen’s website, and know that he’s an excellent resource for people backpacking. Thanks for the info!
What size eggs do you use?
@Reney, usually I use large eggs. Every once in a while, I get backyard eggs from a friend that are smaller, so I can fit 6 of those on a tray.
Eggs are a staple of my diet but I have not been able to get a satisfactory lightweight product for rehydrating. I can’t wait to try this. Your measurement for rehydrating is very specific and per egg. I use farm fresh chicken, duck, and goose eggs which are all different sizes. Do you have a measurement of water to add per weight or volume of powdered egg?
Thanks and peace
D. Soz
@D.Soz I have not tried duck or goose eggs, so I’m not sure if it would translate exactly. If you buy powdered egg crystals (which usually include more egg whites), the measurement is 2 tablespoons of powder to 3 tablespoons of water. I’d love to hear how closely this matches up for duck and goose eggs, so please keep me in the loop! When in doubt, add a little extra water. Good luck!
Duck eggs are so good! I raised chickens and ducks, got rid of chickens after eating duck eggs! Richer and better for you!
Thanks for your response. The goose or duck eggs are arbitrary. The point was size. Do you find that your method of dehydrating and freezing then pulverifying creates the same proportions as the powdered eggs you mentioned in your response?
Thanks again!
@D. Soz I didn’t know whether there was a different fat ratio from the different types of egg yolks that may affect the proportions. The method I use should be very similar to the pre-made crystals.
Excellent point.
HI again. Sorry for all the egg questions. I’m just so excited that I may have finally stumbled upon a satisfactory egg method. I was wondering about the freezing stage. Once the egg is dried to the point of flakyness in the dehydrator, the eggs powder up just fine in the food processor. Why do you recommend freezing first? In the dehydrator, whatever egg wasn’t fully dry yet just stuck to the fruit wrap tray so after flaking off the dry stuff and exposing the darker, slightly gooey remaining egg, I just put it back in the dehydrator for a bit. Now it’s al dry and pulverizes just fine in the food processor. Please let me know if the freezing stage is necessary to make rehydration work as it should on the trail.
Thanks again for all your hard work and experimentation so that the rest of us can just easily look up your recipes and have success!
@D. Soz, I remember reading a tip somewhere that suggested freezing the dehydrated eggs in order for them to get hard enough to powder fully, keeping them from being inconsistently ground. I’m not sure I have even tried it without freezing them. I will have to do another test, now that I realize this. Thanks for bringing it up! The best part of running a blog is questions and suggestions from readers, so I appreciate your thoughts!
Ok so just got back from the Grand Canyon. I dehydrated six goose eggs for breakfast for six. I did it just as you instructed only I saw no reason for the freezing step as long as the eggs are fully dry. They just flaked off the trays and went straight into the food processor with salt, pepper, and garlic powder. I vacuum sealed it into a relatively small, tight package and packed it away. Not sure I can overstate how successful this eggdeavor was. When rehydrated the resulting liquid is EXACTLY like raw scrambled eggs. The final cooked product tastes just like fresh morning eggs. This is a total game changer for me. Eggs are a staple of my diet and not bringing them backpacking has always been disappointing. No longer. This is insanely easy to prepare at home and then on the trail. Eggs are a virtual super food of dense nutrition of both the macro and micro varieties. I AM STOKED!
Thank you so much, ladies.
David (D.Soz)
@D. Soz, this was such a great conversation! Glad to know that the same process works for non-chicken eggs, and that our process could be simplified! It just makes it that much easier to prepare your own backpacking food at home. Thanks so much for sharing!
What temperature did you set the dehydrator at? I’m also wondering how long the powdered eggs will last? We are heading out on a week long trek and I would love to take eggs with us…..I hate oatmeal. lol
I think I had mine set on 130. Probably anything 135 or under is fine. I just wanted to try and dehydrate all the egg in a similar time frame so that the outside portions didn’t get over cooked while waiting for the inside portions to still dry. The cool thing is that if the eggs are still dark or sticky, they’re not done and will stick to the trays. When much of the eggs were done I just turned the trays upside down over a bowl and bent them a little. The stuff that fall in the bowl is dry. The stuff that doesn’t still needs more drying time. I don’t know how long they last but I can’t see a week being a problem unless maybe it’s hot summer temps the whole time. Maybe eat the eggs within the first five days or something and then have some other breakfast the last few days just to be sure.
We have always stayed away from dehydrated eggs due to their poor reputation for rehydration. After reading your article, purchased 1 1/2 doz, followed your directions and just blended them and mixed up an egg or so and was quite amazed! Awesome. Thank you for sharing this as it will continue with those I lead into the backcountry.
@Judd that is great to hear! It really is very exciting to have eggs in the backcountry. Breakfast possibilities open right up! Enjoy!
I have read that virtually all eggs (even organic) can be, and often are, contaminated with Salmonella. The Salmonella is normally destroyed in cooking, but requires a temperature of 145 degrees or so (depends on whose advice you go by) for 5 minutes. You may want to emphasize this to your readers.
I make a backpacking egg sort-of-omelette, but I first lightly cook the eggs to destroy the bacteria and THEN dehydrate. Despite the pre-cooking, it tastes fine this way.
Not sure why this matters. The eggs are not being eaten raw. Once you rehydrate them at camp you cook them as you would if you had cracked them in a bowl and scrambled them at home.
Oh my you all. Thank you so much for sharing your insights, questions, and tips! I HAVE to get a dehydrator now.
Game on!
D.soz, I’m with you,…l’m stoked!
This has been an informative thread that is getting bookmarked.
Wow! Love this blog. Our daughter is trekking the AP soon and was trying to think of other breakfast ideas besides oatmeal and pancakes. Going to try dehydrating eggs after the tomato sauce comes off the dehydrator. Thanks for the research.
Hey there! What do you reckon the freezer life would be for the finished product in a vacuum sealed bag? I’m dialing in my meal plan for the PCT and this would really pump up my breakfast options…
Yhs is a great thread. I am loving all of the input here. Just put mine in the dehydrator for 10 hrs at 130. Cant wait to try em out after the food processor
Is it necessary to “use as you normally would” after dehydration?
In my experience with dehydrating raw meat to jerky no other preparation is needed before eating.
I’m wondering if it’s same for eggs. Yes they’re raw at first but after 10hrs @ 140* could you not just rehydrate with hot water and eat? And not worry about cookware because all the bacterial is dead ? No?
I think the instructions say “use as you normally would” because the egg post is about recreating a delicious egg meal similar to what you would have at home. I suppose if you’d like to eat the dry pulverized egg
or mix it with water and drink the yellow snotty mix then by all means go for it. I agree that the bacteria is probably not an issue at that point.
Hahaha I’m sorry, this comment killed me I love your response…I’m not quite sure what the OP is asking in this question…I suppose if you tried to rehydrate with boiling water they might cook into a kind of scrambled egg mixture? Personally I am about to use my dehydrated eggs for baking and was just looking for rehydration recommendations and came across this page/thread…upon reading alot of the comments I now have some fantastic ideas! Thanks all!! And thanks for the laugh!
Ok, I dehydrated my eggs and weighed them. In case anyone is wondering I THINK each egg is 11 grams at dry weight. In a couple of weeks when I get back from my trip I’ll let you know.
I love this egg dehydrating recipe! I live on a farm and have (probably way too many!) backyard chickens. We collect nearly a dozen eggs daily, so using them all up is sometimes a challenge. I’ve tossed around the idea of dehydrated eggs before but I wasn’t sure how complicated it was going to be to do. I published a post on my site about cleaning and storing farm fresh eggs and I’ve shared your recipe for dehydrated eggs in it.
Hi, sorry I’m asking questions others have asked but I want to make sure after my mishaps of egg spills last night that I get the right ratio egg to water. By the time the trays made it in to the dehydrator I didn’t have five eggs on each tray so your 1 egg to 1T + 1t water can’t be duplicated. Is your average 1 egg = 1T or is it something else? One other question, does the powdered egg have to be refrigerated or frozen if I put them in vacuum sealed bags or can it be stored away in the pantry a container of some kind? Thanks for your help!
Hi great tips what sort of shelf life would you give the dehydrated eggs out of the freezer?
I made these eggs for my boys and I on a recent backpacking trip through Trapper Creek Wilderness in Washington. I added a little bacon bits that I brought along. The boys were skeptical at first but the eggs were so good I ended up eating a protein bar – because they ate all of them. Next time I’ll dehydrate more eggs (or leave the boys at home).
Can you over dehydrate eggs? One batch came out darker in colour and with a different taste. Thanks
Hello, lots of great ideas!
How long will the eggs last once they are in powdered form? Like if I vacuum seal them for a later date. Thank you.
I carry unwashed fresh eggs in a hard container from rei. Unwashed eggs will keep several weeks un refrigerated. The USA is the only country in the world that refrigerates eggs lol. The hen leaves a natural anti bacterial coating on the egg when it lays it. Get to camp wash eggs and cook like you would at home
Unfortunately Canada refrigerates eggs too, because they are washed. If eggs aren’t washed they don’t need refrigeration.
Quick question about rehydration. Can you simply put these dehydrated eggs in with, let’s say dehydrated beef and veggies, add boiling water? Will that cook the egg enough?
I too would like to know if egg powder can be a long-term stored food item. Either vacuum sealed or dry canned in mylar or jars. Any approximate shelf-life?
I’m so excited to try this! Add some beef jerky chunks and some extra water when rehydrating let sit for 15 mins and you got steak and eggs!
I really am interested in this conversation too! I tried the Mountain Meals eggs and they just didn’t cut it. However this sounds like a better option if they keep once vacuum packed
The recipe is missing! Can you restore it? I’ve been following your method for a couple months and now I want to share with friends. 😀
Can you vacuum seal in a Mason jar for long term shelf stability?
What is the shelf life of the dehydrated egg powder? Any idea. Vacuum seal? Put in zip lock baggies? Refrigerate? Freeze?
8 laying hens, 2 people, ’nuff said!
Now I can preserve them through dehydration! I am not a fan of glassing eggs, and my freezer is too small. I give so many away, and still have too much.