French Dish (Pate Chinois)

“French Dish” is a very simple but delicious car camping recipe that is family-friendly and quick to put together. Make this on a trip where you have lots of fun activities planned.
“French Dish” is a very simple but delicious car camping recipe that is family-friendly and quick to put together. Make this on a trip where you have lots of fun activities planned.
When we know we’ve got a crowd to feed, this yellow curry is one of our go-to recipes.
It’s been a nice quiet holiday season, but things are starting to ramp up again. As we get busier, though, we don’t want to lose our focus on getting outside, because it is still one of the most important aspects of our lives.
We love to teach different cooking techniques for all different types of outdoor adventure. One of our most adventurous occasions happened in December when we got to work with Subaru and some tough mountain bikers deep in the heart of Death Valley National Park.
My friend from Florida called me recently and said “I’m being transferred to Southern California- somewhere between San Diego and Fresno. Where should I live?” I laughed and told him to be my neighbor, knowing that he would surely be transferred far away. But then he called back and said his job was 10 minutes […]
At REI, where I work, we wear name tags with our favorite outdoor place listed on them. Mine says “Joshua Tree National Park.” For the past ten years, I have spent the majority of my days off in the park camping, climbing, hiking, and meditating. There is a quiet there that I haven’t experienced in […]
I lost my first two grandparents ever in 2016. One from each side. I recognize that this is pretty great for being 32 years old, but after so long, I got to the point where I just thought it would never happen to me.
The big success of our family’s summer was getting out on spontaneous camping trips. Before kids, this was easy, but with babies it felt nearly impossible.
Ok, this is an involved recipe. You have to get a starter, and keep it alive for a while. Then you have to plan about 2 days of your life to be available for building your bread dough, and then you have to bake it in your dutch oven. But it is worth it, and […]
Red Lentil Sweet Potato Dal. Dehydrated for backpacking.