Orange Sesame Almonds

I’m always looking for more options for savory snacks to take when I go out and play.
I’m always looking for more options for savory snacks to take when I go out and play.
We’ve been out camping almost every weekend lately, and this past weekend was no exception. We taught a campfire cooking class to a small group of new friends, and made this now famous Albondigas Soup.
We’ve been tweaking our favorite Almond Flax Granola recipe for a long time now to perfect it, but I just can’t stop.
How about an instant wow dish for your Thanksgiving table that comes in an edible bowl?
Are you getting excited about your outdoor Thanksgiving plans yet? Hopefully our Thanksgiving potluck recipes inspired you a few days ago. Here is another round to help tantalize your taste buds even more.
Camping for Thanksgiving is a surprisingly popular and awesome way to spend time with your family.
It’s climbing season again, yipee! If you follow us on Instagram, you may know that I have an actual climbing goal this season- to finish the infamous “Gunsmoke.”
Frying is a pain, no matter where you’re doing it. It uses a ton of oil (that you have to figure out how to dispose of), makes the house smell like a fast food restaurant, and encourages owning big uni-purpose machines to avoid too much hassle.
The transition between summer and fall always brings a bounty of peppers, which are a great main ingredient for many camping recipes. I received a bunch of beautiful heirloom peppers recently in my farm box, and decided to use the roasted peppers and make a dip for a day trip to the beach.
“Go paddleboarding” has been on my list of goals for 3 years now. Every time I’d plan to go, something would happen that would stop me. Once I was very sick, another time they were shooting a commercial and closed our lake, and then there was a huge 3 day storm while we were in […]