When it rains, it pours. And the wind blows and it snows and the full moon comes out, and so do babies! Aimee hatched her teenies on Tuesday night, October 30, at 6:31pm and 6:32pm, only one minute apart. The girl, 5lbs 6oz, came first, keeping with our recently realized family tradition of older sisters. Then the boy, 4lbs 13oz was next. They are in the NICU waiting on their lungs to catch up since they were a little early, but they’re doing great and are the cutest things any of us have ever seen. None of us have had any newborns around, so its been quite an experience.
I can understand why they’d want to show up during such an exciting week (Frankenstorm, Cyclone Nilam, full moon, Halloween), but I have to admit I was a little frustrated to hear of their arrival. I specifically told those kids to stay in there until at least Wednesday. I was on a work trip and had gotten my first cold in who knows how long. Aimee had been requesting the same thing, as she was very excited for a pregnant lady Halloween costume this year (options were: plumber with beer belly, the earth, or a giant boob). Figures they were in there giggling and plotting to mess up our plans from the beginning. Aimee ended up being a hospital patient for Halloween, and I had to wait until Thursday to meet them. We spent a lot of time this week discussing names. Aimee and Kismat were planning to wait until next Tuesday (the last possible day), but the family did a great job of encouraging speediness by coming up with some lovely nicknames (Roger, Bob and Marla, Angton and Bington). The decision was finally made today.
Asha Leona
Ravi James
I may still call them Angton and Bington, but I think their real names are perfect. We can’t wait until they come home. Until we can hold them and watch their personalities grow. Until we can go on their first hikes and then camping trips. Until we can start feeding them all sorts of interesting new foods. This is a very exciting new chapter for all of us, and for Dirty Gourmet.
As a side note, Mai-Yan baked these Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins before coming to the hospital and they were such a hit with all of Aimee’s visitors that we thought we should share the recipe. It’s from the 30 Day Vegan Challenge book by Colleen Patrick Goodreau.

Chocolate Chip Banana Muffins
20-24 muffinsPrep Time / Cook Time
/Activity Guide
Car Camping, Day Trip, PicnicIngredients
- 2 cups flour
- 1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1 cup sugar
- 1/2 cup canola oil
- 4 ripe bananas, mashed
- 1/4 cup water
- 1 vanilla extract
- 1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
- Large bowl
- Measuring cups
- Measuring spoons
- Medium bowl
- Mixing spoon
- Mixer
- 2 Muffin Baking Tins
- Preheat oven at 350˚F and lightly grease muffin tins. No need to grease if you plan on using muffin cups.
- Mix flour, baking soda and salt together in a medium-sized bowl.
- In a large bowl, beat the sugar and oil together, then added mashed bananas. Stir in the water and vanilla and mix thoroughly.
- Add the flour mixture, along with chocolate chips and stir to mix.
- Pour batter in each muffin tin no more than halfway.
- Bake until the Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins are golden brown and a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.
How much vanilla extract is needed for this recipe? It only says 1 vanilla extract.
Thanks for passing along your great ideas and recipes!